Mandarin Oriental Bodrum, Travel Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

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Mandarin Oriental BodrumEat, drink, swim, and then spa
Published 12/27/2023

There is Bodrum by sea, and Bodrum by land. I won't lie, Bodrum by sea is spectacular and once you get into the habit of docking in private coves, grilling off the side of the boat, diving for sea urchin, and swimming in pristine, crystal clear waters without another soul in sight, it's hard to go back to land.

Having said that, the Bodrum beach club experience is a special one, and one of the best is at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Turkbuku.

Whether you chose the Blue Beach Club or Lucca Beach, you don't have to be a guest at the hotel to make a reservation and enjoy the beach and sun lounges. All the al fresco and seaside dining options are also available to you. There is a minimum consumption requirement for outside guests, which is easy to hit with a nice seaside lunch and a bottle of rose.

And ask the beach club attendant to reserve for you a spa treatment around 6pm. Order a golf cart from the beach at around 5pm, which will be the perfect time to leave as the sun lowers itself beyond the western hill and you still have enough time to enjoy the luxurious spa facilities before your treatment.


Gölköy Mahallesi 314 Sokak No.10, Bodrum, Muğla, Turkey


ph: +90 252 311 18 88

Mandarin Oriental Bodrum

4CH6+46 Bodrum/Muğla, Türkiye


Wonder Shuffle

Category: Travel

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