vergez - vergez


Philippe Vergez

Freedom, Love & Elevation

26 Cards 1 Followers

Top Cards: 22

Freedom Bracelet, Jewelry Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about Freedom Bracelet and all the latest Jewelry deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.freedom-bracelet-vergezMarket jewelry categoryUser vergez
Freedom BraceletEvery link is a step toward your true self.

Unknown Legend, Jewelry Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about Unknown Legend and all the latest Jewelry deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.unknown-legend-vergez-2Market jewelry categoryUser vergez
Unknown LegendA ring inspired by a Neil Young's song.

Legacy, Jewelry Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about Legacy and all the latest Jewelry deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.legacy-vergez-2Market jewelry categoryUser vergez
LegacyA Vanité dedicated to the enduring spirit of family

A Ring with Roar, Jewelry Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about A Ring with Roar and all the latest Jewelry deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.a-ring-with-roar-vergezMarket jewelry categoryUser vergez
A Ring with Roarby VERGEZ™ Jewelry

A Ring That Sings, Jewelry Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about A Ring That Sings and all the latest Jewelry deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.a-ring-that-sings-vergezMarket jewelry categoryUser vergez
A Ring That Singsby VERGEZ™ Jewelry

Hurricane, Jewelry Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about Hurricane and all the latest Jewelry deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.the-with-or-without-you-ring-vergezMarket jewelry categoryUser vergez
HurricaneRing in Platinum & sapphire. VERGEZ™ - Jewelry by Artist

Custom Rings for Couples, Jewelry Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about Custom Rings for Couples and all the latest Jewelry deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.personal-rings-for-couples-vergezMarket jewelry categoryUser vergez
Custom Rings for CouplesVERGEZ™. Jewelry by Artist.

With or Without You, Jewelry Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about With or Without You and all the latest Jewelry deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.with-or-without-you-rings-vergezMarket jewelry categoryUser vergez
With or Without YouRing in silver, by VERGEZ™. Jewelry by Artist.

Lehoi Orroa, Style Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about Lehoi Orroa and all the latest Style deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.lehoi-orroa-vergezMain style categoryUser vergez
Lehoi OrroaJewelry pieces embodying the basque spirit.

Bayonne, France, Travel Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about Bayonne, France and all the latest Travel deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.bayonne-france-vergezMain travel categoryUser vergez
Bayonne, FranceA wellspring for creativity

Inspired by Kerouac , Culture Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about Inspired by Kerouac and all the latest Culture deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.inspired-by-kerouac-vergezMain culture categoryUser vergez
Inspired by Kerouac Words for ring-wearing rebels

A Source of Inspiration, Style Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about A Source of Inspiration and all the latest Style deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.a-source-of-inspiration-vergez-2Main style categoryUser vergez
A Source of InspirationHow music influences my jewelry designs

With or Without You, Style Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about With or Without You and all the latest Style deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.with-or-without-you-vergezMain style categoryUser vergez
With or Without YouHow a U2 song inspired VERGEZ™'s signature rings

Legacy, Style Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about Legacy and all the latest Style deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.legacy-vergezMain style categoryUser vergez
LegacyA Vanité dedicated to the enduring spirit of family

Unknown Legend, Style Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about Unknown Legend and all the latest Style deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.unknown-legend-vergezMain style categoryUser vergez
Unknown LegendA design influenced by a Neil Young song

On the Road, Style Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about On the Road and all the latest Style deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.on-the-road-vergezMain style categoryUser vergez
On the RoadJewelry designed with Kerouac in mind

Let Freedom Bling, Style Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about Let Freedom Bling and all the latest Style deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.let-freedom-bling-vergezMain style categoryUser vergez
Let Freedom BlingBracelets and neck chains for those without bounds

Double Trouble, Style Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about Double Trouble and all the latest Style deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.double-trouble-vergezMain style categoryUser vergez
Double TroubleA ring influenced by an Eric Clapton song

The Beauty of Custom Jewelry, Style Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about The Beauty of Custom Jewelry and all the latest Style deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.the-beauty-of-custom-jewelry-vergezMain style categoryUser vergez
The Beauty of Custom JewelryHow to contact the VERGEZ™ Atelier

Hurricane, Style Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about Hurricane and all the latest Style deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.hurricane-vergezMain style categoryUser vergez
HurricaneHow two musicians inspired one bold ring

Philippe Vergez, Style Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about Philippe Vergez and all the latest Style deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.philippe-vergez-vergezMain style categoryUser vergez
Philippe VergezFounder of VERGEZ™

About VERGEZ™, Style Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about About VERGEZ™ and all the latest Style deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.about-vergez-vergezMain style categoryUser vergez
About VERGEZ™One-of-a-kind jewelry pieces for free spirits

Packs: 1

Pack - V E R G E Z™
V E R G E Z™Jewels of Distinction

Saved Cards: 14

Biarritz Watches, Style Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about Biarritz Watches and all the latest Style deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder style categoryUser philippev
Biarritz WatchesWith Gabline, time is on your side

HOSHINOYA Tokyo, Travel Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about HOSHINOYA Tokyo and all the latest Travel deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.hoshinoya-tokyo-isadoraMain travel categoryUser isadora
HOSHINOYA TokyoA High-Rise Ryokan Hotel

Futuristic Japanese Fashion: Hi-Tech Sustainable Clothing Brands, Style Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about Futuristic Japanese Fashion: Hi-Tech Sustainable Clothing Brands and all the latest Style deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.futuristic-japanese-fashion-hi-tech-sustainable-clothing-br-worldmediaMain style categoryUser worldmedia
Futuristic Japanese Fashion: Hi-Tech Sustainable Clothing Brands

Dedicated artists are keeping Japan's ancient craft of temari alive, Travel Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about Dedicated artists are keeping Japan's ancient craft of temari alive and all the latest Travel deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.dedicated-artists-are-keeping-japans-ancient-craft-of-temari-worldmediaMain travel categoryUser worldmedia
Dedicated artists are keeping Japan's ancient craft of temari alive

Busan-Style Seafood in New York City, Travel Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about Busan-Style Seafood in New York City and all the latest Travel deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.ariari-wonderwomanMain travel categoryUser wonderwoman
Busan-Style Seafood in New York CitySwim over to Ariari in the East Village

Runway Music, Culture Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about Runway Music and all the latest Culture deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.runway-music-wondershuffleMain culture categoryUser wondershuffle
Runway MusicSongs for the catwalk

On Writing, Culture Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about On Writing and all the latest Culture deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.on-writing-lauraMain culture categoryUser laura
On WritingStephen King is underrated

An Alcohol-Free Bar in NYC, Travel Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about An Alcohol-Free Bar in NYC and all the latest Travel deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.a-sober-bar-in-new-york-city-wondershuffleMain travel categoryUser wondershuffle
An Alcohol-Free Bar in NYCHang with the non-drinking crowd at Hekate in the East Village

An Insider’s Guide To New York Fashion Week, Style Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about An Insider’s Guide To New York Fashion Week and all the latest Style deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder style categoryUser worldmedia
An Insider’s Guide To New York Fashion WeekFORBES.COM

Where Kerouac Is in the Air, Travel Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about Where Kerouac Is in the Air and all the latest Travel deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder travel categoryUser wondershuffle
Where Kerouac Is in the AirDine inside New York City’s Marlton Hotel

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Culture Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings and all the latest Culture deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.i-know-why-the-caged-bird-sings-lauraMain culture categoryUser laura
I Know Why the Caged Bird SingsA life story everyone should know

A Scent for Explorers, Beauty Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about A Scent for Explorers and all the latest Beauty deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.a-scent-for-explorers-wondershuffleMarket beauty categoryUser wondershuffle
A Scent for Explorersby SARANGHAEYO

A Daniel Craig Style Snapshot, Style Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about A Daniel Craig Style Snapshot and all the latest Style deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.a-daniel-craig-style-snapshot-wondershuffleMain style categoryUser wondershuffle
A Daniel Craig Style SnapshotLayer on the bespoke look

The Sean Connery Stylebook, Style Cards & Offers - Wonder Shuffle

Find out more about The Sean Connery Stylebook and all the latest Style deals with our cards that you can share with friends at Wonder Shuffle.the-sean-connery-stylebook-wondershuffleMain style categoryUser wondershuffle
The Sean Connery StylebookHave a license to thrill
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